I'm getting revved up for NYE! My last favourite big weekend was Bonfire night which feels like AAAGES ago!

My new Lazy Oaf burger hat kept me as warm as chilli sauce, as I lapped up the Crystal Palace fireworks with the gang!

Alis Pelleschi, Rhiannon aka Bol$hie,Me,Katie aka SisterKnox,& Matthew Brindle of MegaMegaMega.com BOOOOM!



Random Bangle,Me,Gabriel Love,Matthew,Alis,Katie,Jay Best,Rhiannon....not causing any trouble....promise!

Me and the sister could do with taking a tooth brush to the trainers now I think!

Party time!

Got me hula hula earrings in for my friend Kris Di Angelis night at Dalston Superstore!

Me mate Phil in his Horace burger hoody which he designed the print for!

Time for bed!

The next day the only thing on my mind was a Snog Frozen Yoghurt from Soho!

I love all the random shopping to be had around the Trocadero!


Then a trip to see my mate Yellow....

He says "heeeey!" , once I'd got the goss on Red, it was off to Camden,my FAVOURITE shopping location....

Perfect Weekend Done! Zzzz

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