WAHOO the new issue of Notion Mag is out with the cover I styled of Bruno Mars!

I packed my Lulu Guinness suitcases.... Not so strategically...

Grabbed myself a cuppa Chai tea latte.... In my new Jeremy Scott trousers....

And off I flew to NYC to style Bruno!

Being a good girl I got an early night before the big day!

In the cab to the shoot with my amazing assistants!

The hotel we shot Bruno in was pretty pimped.... so once Bruno was all shot and done the next job was SHOPPING!!!

There was only one place I wanted to go... Patricia Fields!
With my bag of swag we hailed a cab for some lunch sweetie dahling...


Then Erica ( amazing assistant number 1!) took me to a My Little Pony exhibition!


Next stop Times Square! NEW YORK NEW YORK!

And then it was home time!

For the shoot with Bruno check out the new issue of Notion here.....