Styling Firetraps AW12 campaign

Ello!A few months ago I got to work with the epic guys at Firetrap again to style their AW12 lookbook & campaign images!

We shot for two days with the one and only epicness that is Mark Cant!

I <3 Dolphins

Day 1 we shot in Studio Private in Shoreditch... I also got to try out a winge... A wig fringe!

Whilst I was suing with me winge the models 'werq'd' some props I brought for them....

Day two, we shot in location up the road, a beautiful decayed location,

But I didn't bring this prop along...

The end result;


I styled the epic Grimes!!! There's no behind the scenes I'm afraid but here's the epic shots by Photographer Fiona Garden!


Cyber babe Alexis!

I got sent these pics from a magazine feature documenting the rise in popularity of Cyber Fashion....

And here I am! My body warmer is from CyberDog , My dress is Cassette Playa for Kokon To Zai & my shoes are Buffalo platforms (ofcourse!) xxx


Meat clothing

As I was sorting out my phone i came across these behind the scenes pics of the Meat Clothing look book and collection film I styled.
Meat Clothing is an amazing fashion label by Designer Boadecia Claridge and Photographer Alis Pelleschi!

The inspiration was everything super glam trash do there was lots of pink and plastic!

Getcha weave aaaaaarn!

Um... #Amazing!



Alis at work...

We filmed it at the Bethnalgreen Mens Working Club, which has a rad trash disco feel to it....

#SplatAttack !!!

#Saxayyyyy #Custard

The nails were epic and there were even ones with my POW dress especially made for me by Bo <3

Here I am rocking my dress at Circus!

And they lived happily ever after....